Elisavet Teltsidou vs. Gabriella Willems: A Thrilling Showdown in Women's Judo -70 kg Elimination Round

Machina Sports

Machina Sports

On July 31, 2024, at the iconic Champ-de-Mars Arena in Paris, the Women's -70 kg Elimination Round of 16 showcased a thrilling judo match between Greece's Elisavet Teltsidou and Belgium's Gabriella Willems.

The contest began sharply at 11:12 AM local time. Both athletes exhibited incredible skill and determination, but it was Willems who emerged victorious, defeating Teltsidou. The match ended with a score that favored Willems, who achieved an IPP (full point) with the technique known as Tate-shiho-gatame, securing her place in the quarterfinals with a decisive victory after 3 minutes and 31 seconds of action.

Teltsidou, ranked 2nd in the world, had previously secured a remarkable 2nd place finish at the Hungary Masters 2023, which raised expectations for this pivotal match. However, her journey in the Paris Olympics came to an unexpected end as Willems, ranked 22nd globally, displayed remarkable resilience and strategy, overcoming the odds.

Throughout the match, Teltsidou received a penalty early on, which added pressure as Willems capitalized on her opportunities. The contest was officiated by Israeli referee Ofer Ben Zvi, ensuring a fair and regulated bout.

As the arena erupted with support for both athletes, it was a testament to the spirit of the Olympics, where every match tells a story of struggle, perseverance, and sportsmanship. While Teltsidou's Olympic journey ended prematurely, her performance in previous competitions highlights her potential for future success in the sport. Willems now looks forward to the next round, aiming for Olympic glory.

  • Judo
  • Women -70 kg Elimination Round of 16
  • Elisavet Teltsidou
  • Gabriella Willems
  • Greece
  • Belgium
  • Paris 2024
  • Judo
  • Women's -70 kg

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